Ugh. Stinkin’ life.

So…it’s been a while.

To be fair, I haven’t been paying much attention to healthiness and exercise. We went to D.C. at the end of October, work has been slightly manic and I’m trying to get things locked up for our special wedding date of 9/10/11 (People are already booked for that date! DAMMIT!).

I skipped out on a Social Media Atlanta function tonight. Why? I haven’t done laundry in a month. My apartment looks like a tornado hit it. I was out late at the Mumford & Sons concert (which was AMAZING…I’m listening to the album now and my heart wants to be back at the concert). There were just things I had to take care of before I could even begin to fathom going to this event. I’m sorry, but having underwear for tomorrow seems infinitely more important all of a sudden.

With the moved up wedding date though, all the time I had in the world to get healthy for it feels like it has gone out the window. I’m hoping to be put back on some sort of track soon. But in the meantime, my washer just went off and there’s a few more loads I have to do tonight.

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