Baby Steps Start with Good Food

Okay people.

I realized something today. McDonald’s never tastes as good as I think it will. In my mind, it’s delicious. Salty. Juicy. Full of yum. In reality, it’s pretty gross.

So why don’t I eat good things instead?

That’s a good question. If I’m going to eat food that’s not necessarily “good” for me* then I should at least eat food that tastes good.

And because I can’t do a thing if my eating isn’t on track, I know that if I ever want to regain focus on my health, I have to start eating healthily. Which means cooking. Cooking good food.


Meals this week:

Breakfast: Kashi cereal, oatmeal, 2% milk, OJ

Lunch: Sammiches (go easy on the mayo, Ashley), Annie’s mac and cheese, leftovers

Supper: Vegetable-Jack Cheese Quesadillas (vegetarian); Soy Ginger Chicken Breasts with Warm Chili-Spiced Edamame; Curried Chicken Patties on Lemony Brown Rice; Pepperoni & Feta Pizza


What are you eating this week?



*I am really wary of the words “good,” “bad,” “healthy” and “unhealthy.” People can’t live on a diet of arugula salads any more than they can a diet of Reese’s cups, yet we call the salad “good” and “healthy” and the Reese’s cups “bad” and “unhealthy.” Eating Reese’s cups makes us feel guilty, and I don’t want guilt driving my food decisions. ‘Cause that’s not very healthy either.

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